Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Fun Times, Fun Friends

Because Guatemala City could become a very dangerous place at night, as missionaries we were told to be home before dark. Other than an occasional trip to the temple or an extra long day at work, we didn't leave our neighborhood and rarely left our apartment building after sundown (about 6 p.m.). So, how did we spend the long evenings? Take a look:

We composed and sang songs about each other.
Back row: LaFaunda Curtis, Mark Curtis, Nancy Jackson, Byron Jackson, Tony Reyna
Front row: Dee Whittier, Jay, Larry Hogg, Shaun Hogg, Margo Reyna

We performed for each other,
Jay, SusAnn McLemore, Marc McLemore, Margo Reyna, Tony Reyna

We fed each other.
Front: Marylou Whittier with her famous pies
Back: Rick Jergensen, Dan Johnson

We chatted with each other. (This conversation looks serious!)
Dee Whittier, Dave Oyler, Larry Hogg, Susan Oyler
We had Family Home Evenings with each other.
SusAnn McLemore, Nancy Frampton, Robert Frampton, Ellen Clason, Lonna Jergesen, Jeff Clason

And we dressed up and partied with each other.
Marc McLemore, Jay, Trudy, Margo Reyna, Tony Reyna, LaFaunda Curtis, Mark Curtis

Yup. Guatemala City could become a very scary place at night. (Especially if that night was Halloween.)

SusAnn McLemore, Marc McLamore
LaFaunda Curtis

LeeAnn Johnson, Dan Johnson

Shaun Hogg, Larry Hogg
(He made those teeth for this special occasion. What a  dentist!)

Jeff Clason, Ellen Clason

And the winners are...

The monster in the dryer who eats your socks
A handsome knight
(or is that night?)