Wednesday, February 15, 2017

FM's and M's at the CCM

FM - to you this might sound like a radiofrequency. To us at the dental clinic, it stands for "future missionary."

Besides working with the sweet little orphans and school children of Guatemala City, each week we also have the opportunity to help young men and women from all over Central America who want to become Mormon missionaries. The other morning we saw ten youth from Quetsaltenango. They had gotten up at 2:30 in the morning to travel to our clinic so we could take care of their dental needs.

For each FM, we did an exam, restored teeth as required, and more often than not, removed four wisdom teeth. After a long day at the dental office, the FM's drove five hours home.

These special young adults have simple, but strong testimonies. Their eyes shine with light. They are genuinely good through and through. When I see them, any concern or doubts I originally had about serving in the dental clinic here are gone. I am sincerely honored to do whatever I can to help them.

In addition to serving FM's, every three weeks we also get to go to the CCM, Central America's version of the MTC. There, we get to do basic exams on all of the missionaries who are headed to Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Panama. If the missionaries need work done, we set up appointments for them at our clinic.

At the end of each screening I ask each missionary two things. First I asked, "Do you have a question?" Then I pause and ask the second question, "Do you have a testimony?"

Most answer, "No," to the first question, but to the second question, they always grin and answer, "Si!"

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