Friday, April 14, 2017

You're Not in Idaho Anymore

The missionaries walking to Church
When our first Fast Sunday approached, I was concerned about how the meeting would go with our tiny branch in Pueblo Nuevo Vinas. In advance, I prepared some thoughts, so that I could take some time if necessary in Fast and Testimony Meeting. I shouldn't have been concerned. During the meeting, faithful members stood in rapid succession one after another, no delays, each bearing simple but solid testimonies of the truthfulness of the gospel. I had to have quick reflexes to jump in between testimonies in order to bear mine. I followed the example of the other members, giving a very short, to the point testimony.

In priesthood meeting, the lesson topic was prayer. One of the priesthood brothers said that he had recently gone to his work on a small banana farm where he makes his living, only to find the field on fire. About a fifth of the banana crop had been destroyed. He feverishly tried to put out fire. It continued to burn.
In desperation, he fell to his knees in the dirt and prayed for Heavenly Father's help. Almost instantly it started to rain. Then, he said, the heavens opened up and literally dumped water on the fire, putting it completely out within seconds. The man concluded, "I know that God hears and answers prayers."
Aaronic Priesthood class meets in the parking lot
Many things in the mission field are not like back home in the central stakes of Zion. The week after the dedication of our new chapel in Pueblo Nuevo Vinas, the branch president received permission to extend our meetings from a two-hour to a three-hour block. For the first time in this village, Sunday School was being taught. A new Sunday School President had been called, and he taught the first lesson. He indicated that this year we would be studying the Book of Mormon. He started the lesson by asking, "How can we know if the Book of Mormon is true?"

A few people responded, taking about five minutes of the lesson.

There were still about 45 minutes left. It was quite obvious at this point that the teacher had finished his portion of the prepared lesson and was wondering how he could fill the remaining time. He asked hopefully, "Any questions?"

After an uncomfortably long silence, I raised my hand, "What are your favorite Book of Mormon stories?" I asked.

Fortunately, that opened a floodgate of comments from the members of the class. For about half an hour, the members talked about their favorite Book of Mormon stories. The teacher was able to complete the lesson, and I felt pretty pleased that I had been able to help.

Then came priesthood meeting. A counselor in the Elder's Quorum Presidency stood up and announced, in Spanish of course, "No one has prepared a lesson today. So, Elder Harris, would you teach the lesson?"

I sat there stunned. I pointed at my chest and asked, "Yo?"

He nodded.

I knew the lesson was from the priesthood manual on the life and teachings of President Gordon B. Hinckley, but I was totally unprepared. And this was to be in Spanish, no less! For what seemed like five minutes, I stood in front of the class and said nothing. Everyone stared at me uneasily. I frantically searched on my iPhone through the lesson material and tried to figure out what to teach. I prayed silently. What could I say?

Finally, I asked what I thought would be an easy opening question, "When I say the name Gordon B. Hinckley, what accomplishments come to mind?"

Total silence. They all just stared back at me as if I were speaking some foreign language.

Come on, I thought, My Spanish isn't that bad!

To my relief, at long last a brother raised his hand. He spoke honestly. "I'm one of the earliest members of the Church here," he said, "and I was baptized only three years ago. I've heard the name, but I don't know anything about Gordon B. Hinckley."

I realized then that these wonderful, faithful members are just infants in the gospel. Elder Harris, you're not in Idaho anymore.

I taught a brief lesson on some of the accomplishments of Gordon B. Hinckley, then went to the last page of the lesson material and asked the simple questions found there. A great discussion ensued, and I was happy with my impromptu lesson.

The following Sunday, I breathed a sigh of relief when someone else was asked at the beginning of class to give the priesthood lesson. He, too, was unprepared but at least he was a native Spanish speaker.
Our teacher, Cristofer Lopez
This return missionary was new in the branch. He gave a fabulous lesson on home teaching. At the end of the lesson, he said, "I don't know who my home teaching companion is. How many of you don't have a home teaching companion?"

In response, every priesthood brother in the room raised his hand.
Then, an unusual ceremony took place. "I live near so-and-so," one man said. "He can be my companion."

Another said, "I'd like to be so-and-so's companion."

Within five minutes, everyone was thrilled to have a home teaching companion.

"That's great," I said, "everyone has a companion. But do you have an assignment?"

"Who is the Elder's Quorum President?" asked the teacher.

"He's not here," they answered. "He doesn't come anymore."

Yikes! We've got a little work left to do in Pueblo Nuevo Vinas.

1 comment:

  1. I would have frozen in that situation! But I'm sure your lesson was amazing! The Gospel is true, no matter where you live!
