Wednesday, March 7, 2018

An Apostolic Blessing

 Sister Sandra Jeffers welcomes Elder Cook

Jay and I, along with other Guatemalan missionaries, sat today in plastic chairs that filled the stadium-sized shelter which sometimes serves as a church parking lot. In that humble setting, we listened to the most profound, unforgettable words we have ever heard from an apostle of the Lord.

After testifying that Russell M. Nelson is God’s prophet, Elder Quentin L. Cook told us about a meeting in an upper room of the  Salt Lake Temple the Sunday after President Monson’s funeral. Elder Cook said that following Elder Ballard's anointing of Elder Nelson, Elder Oaks acted as voice while all of the apostles stood in a half circle and placed their hands on Elder Nelson’s head to set him apart as Prophet. Elder Cook said that during that experience there was no doubt that President Nelson was chosen to lead Christ’s Church, and that since being called as Prophet, President Nelson hasn't had much sleep. Elder Cook indicated that President Nelson has received so much revelation each night that he doesn't have time to sleep.

Elder Cook then went on to say that although we are told in Preach My Gospel not to share specifics about sacred experiences or talk publicly about sacred events, he felt a great “feeling of urgency” to be more specific in his testimony with missionaries and even with others. As an apostle and special witness to Christ he said that he was going to tell us something and then give us an apostolic blessing. He said he was going to say something that he wanted us to remember. He told us, “Write these words in your hearts, and write these words on paper.” He then emphatically said, “I know the Savior’s voice. I know the Savior’s face.” He continued, “Remember that I said this in front of 500 of you.”

Elder Cook then gave us an Apostolic blessing. He promised us many blessings, but the phrase that stands out most to me was the statement, “Everyone you love will be blessed by your service here.” He talked about parents, siblings and children (even future children for the young missionaries). He said,”Some of you have special challenges. I leave a blessing on you that you will be able to handle those challenges.”

Throughout our lives Jay and I have had the opportunity to hear many prophets and apostles testify that they have a knowledge of Jesus Christ, but Elder Cook's testimony was the most profound we have ever heard. The Holy Ghost bore testimony, and we knew in our hearts that Elder Cook has had a personal experience with the Savior of the World. Elder Cook has both heard the Savior's voice and seen the Savior's face.
We all had the chance to shake hands with Elder Cook and Elder Gong

When I served as Stake President of the BYU-I Eighth Stake, I had the opportunity to host Elder Cook at a special Stake Conference. The evening before the conference, Trudy and I sat with Elder and Sister Cook at dinner, visited casually with them for hours, and got to know both of them in a very relaxed and comfortable setting. We can't imagine anything but honesty and sincerity coming from them. We totally believe Elder Cook's solemn words of testimony.

During our mission, we have had the privilege to shake hands with 3 current members of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles and one future Apostle.
Quentin L. Cook
Ronald A. Rasband
Dale G. Renlund
Gerrit W. Gong

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for recording and sharing this wonderful experience.
