Sunday, July 15, 2018

Doctor, Janitor, Gardener too

When we got our mission calls, they sounded pretty prestigious: "area dental specialists." Well, here are some of the less-than-prestigious things we got to do as part of our callings.

Clean toilets:
Sister Lonna Jergensen
cleaning the clinic bathroom

Trudy taking care of the plants
in the clinic atrium
Wash and sterilize instruments:
Sister Julie Allred working in the sterilization room

Keep our own records:
Jay recording dental records
while entertaining a young patient

Repair dental equipment:
Dr. Bob Allred fixing a broken dental chair

Schedule patients after work, at night and on weekends.
Dr. Rick Jorgensen using his Spanish skills
to talk to patients and keep our schedule full
We have to admit that our mission was not quite what we expected. No, it was even better!

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